Monday, August 9, 2010

NW.ORG Gets a Facelift

Have you seen it yet? has a fresh look!

This “makeover” creates a simpler, cleaner front page for and provides easy-to-navigate gateways for nonprofit housing practitioners, our private-sector partners and consumers seeking information on their homes and communities. This information for consumers also is available in four languages — Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese — allowing us to serve the needs of more people in our communities.

Please note that this “facelift” is not a redesign of the entire website. The homepage as well as the new sections for partners and consumers have been redesigned to better meet the needs of those audiences. But at this stage, the majority of the site remains as it has been. In the remaining months of 2010 and throughout 2011, we will bring additional pages into the new look.

Check out the facelift. We think it’s a great start and an awesome new look! Let us know your thoughts.

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