Monday, March 7, 2011

NeighborWorks Salutes National Consumer Protection Week

By Marietta Rodriguez,
Director, National Homeownership Programs and Lending, NeighborWorks America

Do you know what this week is? It is National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), which began Sunday, March 6. Once again, NeighborWorks America is happy to join forces with federal and state agencies and nonprofit organizations to mark the 13th Annual National Consumer Protection Week. We're helping consumers protect their privacy, stay safe online, manage their money, avoid identity theft, understand mortgages and steer clear of frauds and scams. With millions of homeowners at risk of foreclosure, NeighborWorks America is focusing on helping homeowners prevent foreclosure and avoid loan modification scams during NCPW. Check out our Facebook page and Twitter channel for helpful tips and go to to access free materials and resources that will help you protect your family. Spread the word!

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